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If I’m Hit by Debris Falling from a Truck, Can I Sue?


 Commercial trucks transport a wide range of items to destinations across the nation 24/7. The cargo must be properly secured in order to avoid spilling onto the roadway. When any type of material or debris loosens and separates from a truck during transport, it can become a serious road hazard for the vehicles that follow in the truck's wake. According to the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, more than 50,000 crashes occur every year as a result of roadway debris.

Can you hold the truck driver or trucking company responsible when debris hits your car, and you end up injured in the resulting accident? The answer is yes.

Truck drivers and the trucking companies they work for are responsible for the condition of their rigs at all times. They must make sure that proper maintenance is carried out, cargo is properly secured, and other parts of the truck and their loads conform to state and federal safety regulations.

Truckers must also ensure the following regarding the condition and operation of their rigs to prevent flying or spilled truck debris accidents:

Proper tire inflation and maintenance

Driving at a proper rate of speed

Slowing down around corners and down hills

Ensuring the trailer is not overweight or overloaded

Trucking companies typically retain powerful legal teams to secure their interests. Insurers representing truck drivers and their employers also fight hard to protect their clients from liability. In order to obtain the rightful compensation you deserve for your injuries caused by debris falling from a commercial vehicle, you need an experienced Savannah personal injury lawyer to fight for your rights and interests.

The dangers of falling and flying debris

When cargo is unstable, or shifts around during transport, anyone traveling behind the rig can be in serious danger. Even relatively small pieces of cargo flying into a windshield can crack the glass and cause instant visibility problems. Spilling liquid can create slippery roadway hazards. Sharp objects can puncture vehicle tires. Even vehicles that travel the same roadways at a later time can be in danger, if the debris is not removed.

Blown tire treads are another potential source of danger. Truck tire treads are large and heavy. When they fly off a truck at highway speeds or lay strewn across the roadway, they can cause serious damage to your vehicle, and potentially leave you severely injured. When falling debris from a commercial truck causes an injury or fatality, you should seek experienced legal counsel.

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Lunes, 17 Febrero 2025