By Admin Site on Saturday, 23 September 2017
Category: General

Whistleblower Protection Act Starting To Work In USA

When it comes to whistleblower statistics the truth is that not much is known. Unfortunately, we are at a relatively new level when referring to knowledge about the whistleblower protection act. The statistics below are bound to change that. They should be highlighted more and promoted so that employees would know that they have rights.

Whistleblower Award Stats

Statistics About Compliance

Data About Retaliation


False Claims Statistics


As people become more aware of the whistleblower protection act, the number of cases that are going to happen will surely increase. This means that more money is going to be awarded. However, a simple claim never guarantees success, as it was pretty obvious from the statistics mentioned above. This means that whenever faced with such a claim it is really important to work with an experienced attorney. A failure to do this can lead to various problems. At the same time, an attorney is only going to represent you in the event the case can be won.

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